Project sends Hayneville School student to state

By Barrett Leverette

The Lowndes Signal

The past few months, one project has taken Hayneville Middle School student Haigler Johnson to competitions all over the state. Beginning in early March, students at the school participated in the school science fair.

“Students are required to participate in a school science fair in order to advance to the District level. Haigler was among the 10 top students in Hayneville Middle School Science Fair,” Mrs. Shelley Smith said.

Advancing to the next level, Johnson entered his project in the Lowndes County District Fair.

“He advanced to the Lowndes County District Fair where he placed first place in Middle School division and first place in the overall district division,” Smith said.

Next, Johnson advanced to the regional fair — Greater East Alabama Regional Science Engineering Fair (GEARSEF) in Auburn. At this competition, Johnson received second place in Energy: Chemical and Physical Category and the Broadcom MASTERS Award.

“This win advanced him to Alabama State Science Fair — Alabama Science and Engineering Fair (ASEF) on April 5 in Huntsville. Here he received an award for honorable mention,” Smith said.

Smith was very impressed with Johnson’s work. Advancing to state is an honor alone said Smith.

“In all my years of teaching at Hayneville Middle, which is over 20 years, I have never had a student advance to state,” Smith concluded. “I am very proud of him.”