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Obituary – Rodney Rudolph

Rodney Rudolph, 48, passed away on Jan. 28.  The family wishes to express their heartfelt gratitude for the ...


Calhoun standout offered APSU scholarship

Student-athlete standout, Tyler Robertson of Fort Deposit, has been offered a scholarship by Austin Peay State University for ...


Extension offers flea control tips

By Carnell McAlpine, Jr. Special to The Lowndes Signal Pullout quote: “I have a flea problem.  They are ...


Central’s Karliyah Brown earns character award

The Lowndes County Children’s Policy Council announced Thursday that a local kindergartener had earned the January Character In ...


Pioneer Electric announces Youth Tour delegates

Six local high school juniors will represent Pioneer Electric Cooperative at this year’s Alabama Electric Cooperatives Youth Tour. ...


Head Start observes World AIDS Day

The Lowndes County Board of Education Head Start observed World AIDS Day Dec. 2 with a program featuring ...

Guest Columnist

Unveiling the Power of Personal Hygiene

A Guide for Men and Women By Dr. Jaisingh Rajput Personal hygiene, the foundation of overall well-being, is ...


Elmore Bolling Initiative announces scholarship opportunities

The Elmore Bolling Initiative (TEBI) has announced two college scholarship opportunities for Lowndes County high school students: The ...


Tearing Down Your Own House

By Andy and Renie Bowman Oh, shoot. Why am I writing about this question? Do I have a ...


O’Donnell recognized for donations to Head Start

One Lowndes County woman’s long-time generosity is making a difference in the lives of area Head Start students. ...

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Two-vehicle crash blocks southbound I-65 lanes

A two-vehicle crash that occurred at approximately 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 2, caused roadway blockage. The left southbound ...


Those who fail to learn from history …

By R.A. Mathews Life had weathered him. In 1948, on the heels of WWII, Winston Churchill famously said, ...


The Wonderful Church Jesus Built

By Dean Kelly The Apostle Paul often speaks powerfully about the church that Jesus built. In Ephesians 3:8-13 ...


Who will be next Athlete of the Week

Lowndes County student-athletes are going strong, tearing up the hard wood as they prepare for softball and baseball ...


Head Start partners supply Christmas meals

The Lowndes County Board of Education Head Start joined forces with community partners to supply a few local ...


If The Church Were Christian

By Michael J. Brooks I heard a pastor lately who quoted an article by Quaker minister Philip Gulley, ...


Faith Community Calendar

Visit our website at www.lowndessignal.com for up-to-the-minute event information. * Hayneville Baptist Church invites the community to a ...


Yelder named AISA top lineman

Lowndes Academy senior Ashton Yelder has been named as the Alabama Independent School Association (AISA) Lineman of the ...


Lowndes County Arrests Jan. 13 – 20

Jan. 13 * Anthony Derrico, 41 – Criminal trespass third degree Jan. 15 * Herbert Chisholm, 66 – ...


JV Rebels compete at state

The Lowndes Academy JV Rebels competed in the Alabama Independent School Association Class AA State Championship tournament Saturday. ...