Job Fair and Vaccine Clinic held in Hayneville
The Lowndes County Sheriff’s department, The Montgomery Wellness Coalition, and Parks Pharmacy hosted a Job Fair/Vaccine Clinic this past Saturday in Hayneville Square.
With 69,000 Alabamians unemployed, Corporal Prince Williams wanted to let his community know that he hears their concerns and he is determined to find jobs for the employed. The Montgomery Career Center was also in attendance, providing jobs from LOVES, the local Dollar General, and the County Sheriff Department. There was also a Vaccine Clinic at the Job Fair for those who wanted to become vaccinated in the community! The total number of people vaccinated at this event was seven. All three vaccines were available to those in the community (Parks Pharmacy administered the vaccines). The purpose of this event was to let the residents of Lowndes County know that there are resources here for them in their time of need and we are stronger TOGETHER!
The person(s) included in this photo is Corporal Prince Williams of Lowndes County. (Middle)
Frank Smith the Community Liaison for the REACH Flu/COVID at The Wellness Coalition (left)
Shantavis Core the Community Liaison for the Health Equity Program at The Wellness Coalition (right)