Bibb awarded February Character In Action award

Jackson-Steele third grader, Tre’Lysa Bibb was recently awarded the February Character In Action award.

“Tre’Lysa is a hard working student that has made great strides over the past couple of months,” Bibb’s teacher, Shemekin McMeans-Hester, said on the nomination form.

Tre’Lysa began the school year below grade level in all testing areas.

“She has worked very hard to reach her goals,” Hester said, “and the last testing window proved it!”

Through her hard work, Bibb’s was able to test on grade level in both reading and math. Hester said Bibb’s is also a wonderful classroom helper.

“I am so proud of her growth and how hard she has worked this year,” Hester said.

According to Hester, Bibb’s growth, positive attitude, and her desire to learn is what led her to submit a nominate for the award.