Latest Community Spotlight


Calhoun standout offered APSU scholarship

Student-athlete standout, Tyler Robertson of Fort Deposit, has been offered a scholarship by Austin Peay State University for ...


Central’s Karliyah Brown earns character award

The Lowndes County Children’s Policy Council announced Thursday that a local kindergartener had earned the January Character In ...


Pioneer Electric announces Youth Tour delegates

Six local high school juniors will represent Pioneer Electric Cooperative at this year’s Alabama Electric Cooperatives Youth Tour. ...


O’Donnell recognized for donations to Head Start

One Lowndes County woman’s long-time generosity is making a difference in the lives of area Head Start students. ...


Head Start partners supply Christmas meals

The Lowndes County Board of Education Head Start joined forces with community partners to supply a few local ...

Community Spotlight

Lowndes County Community Calendar

Visit our website at for up-to-the-minute event updates. Rebel Roundball The Lowndes Academy Rebels travel to meet ...


The 4-5 captures rare snow

Residents in northern Lowndes County saw only a few flakes of snow. But as far south as Fort ...


Lowndes County students named to Troy honors lists

Troy University released its honors lists for the Fall semester and Term 2 of the 2024-25 academic year ...

Community Spotlight

Jax State names Briggins, Gordon to honors lists

Gabrielle Michelle Briggins of Tyler has been named to the Dean’s List at Jacksonville State University (JSU) for ...

Community Spotlight

Faith Community Calendar

* Fort Deposit Methodist Church will hold the 12th anniversary of the sanctuary Jan. 19 at 11 a.m. ...

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