Cubs of Elegance, Distinction instilling pride at Central Elementary

Published 7:37 pm Thursday, January 11, 2024

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By Jalyn Zinn  

Two groups, Cubs of Elegance and Distinction, are making a substantial mark on the students of Central Elementary School in Hayneville.

Traci English, principal at Central Elementary, said the groups are designed to instill positivity and leadership among students.

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“[The clubs are] going to show the students how to stand out and be known for something positive rather than coming to school and focusing on the negative things,” English said. “It gives them the opportunity to see that school is more than just coming and working with pen and paper and books, school can be fun.”

Established in 2023, the groups are aimed at instilling a sense of school pride, personal excellence and future greatness in the school’s fourth and fifth grade students.

The groups work to inspire leadership, sisterhood, and brotherhood in Cub Community scholars while also teaching students ways to support and encourage each other in their daily experiences.

Cubs of Elegance was established to help young ladies gain awareness of personal appearance and refined style. The Cubs of Distinction group was created as a way to help young men of the Cub Community learn how to respect both themselves and others, control their emotional responses and lead with strength and determination.

Along with teaching students these things, English said she hopes the programs will help outside of scholastic activities.

“It also opens a door to them for other opportunities to serve their community,” English said.

The overall goal of the Central Elementary School Cubs of Elegance and Distinction is to help students learn to love one another through their life experiences–both good and bad.

Ultimately, these groups will inspire the young scholars at Central Elementary School to join each other in embracing school pride individually within the group as well as collectively for the entire school body.

“It is my wish that these groups will help our young scholars, both boys and girls, recognize and come to terms with the fact that they are unique,” said Cantilau Smith, advisor for the Cubs of Elegance and Distinction. “Instead of making fun of one another because of their differences, [we teach them to] encourage one another. Our students will gain more knowledge about proper behavior from this organization, which will also assist them in creating and preserving positive peer connections. One day, I hope, students will proudly look forward to joining this club.”