Kindness never returns empty

Published 2:40 pm Wednesday, September 13, 2023

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Recently one of our reporters covered the intentional efforts of a local pastor, a man who walks through the community around his church while praying for and delivering encouragement to residents, business owners, workers, and tourists – anyone he encounters or who comes to mind along the way.

Our reporter was moved by the story, as was I, as were others who read of his care for the community.

This thoughtful pastor took the time later to tell our reporter of ways that readers can be encouraged when learning about ministry efforts, like the daily prayer walk, and subsequently respond by exploring a relationship with God.

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The sentiment gave purpose to her work and to our local community coverage, reminding us of the impact we can have to effect positive change in our tri-county area.

The kindness of this minister, in caring for his community and in extending those efforts to our reporter, served to reinforce our intention to highlight the good news of our communities.

But the impact of his actions did not stop there.

I called to thank this local pastor for his kind words. During our conversation, he asked how he could pray for me and I shared a few areas where I valued his offer of intercessory prayer.

Not only did he pray for me, but he also prayed with me, right then and there. His actions served to uplift me personally and to remind me of the many ways a simple act of kindness can extend far beyond our initial effort.

The prophet Isaiah wrote about this concept. In Isaiah 55:11 we read, “so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”

Good or bad, our actions and our words, impact those around us. I’m so thankful for community members who take the time to send out encouraging words, with the intention of effecting people in positive ways.

May we let our words and actions serve to help, encourage, and uplift all who we encounter.