Breaking news from Lowndes County Circuit Court

Published 6:00 pm Tuesday, February 23, 2016

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Breaking news: Bell Ventures LLC has won its civil lawsuit against the town of Hayneville. And ccording to an order issued by Lowndes County Circuit Court Judge Terri Bozeman Lovell on Tuesday, Feb. 23, Bell Ventures LLC, of which Joe Bell Jr. is an owner. “is entitled to free and unempeded use of its property (the Hayneville Plaza)… including the right to tear the subject building down without obtaining a permit from the town. Their requests for relief will be set for a hearing at a later date.

Breaking news: Following a hearing on a preliminary injunction sought by White Hall Mayor James Walker against the White Hall Town Council, the parties agreed to seek mediation with the Alabama League of Municipalities, but agreed to stipulations including the employment of a temporary town clerk.

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