Column: Hoping for a bright future for county
Published 8:55 am Thursday, June 6, 2013
By Fred Guarino
The Lowndes Signal
Lowndes County Commission Chairman Robert Harris called the newly formed Lowndes County Economic Development Commission a “milestone” in the history of the county.”
I agree and think everyone in Lowndes County should be excited that a group will work inside and outside of Lowndes County to attract new business and industry to the county, as well as partner with existing industry to meet their needs.
The LCEDC offers hope for a bright, productive Lowndes County future.
It is my understanding that this group represents the fact that every town, the county, the businesses and utilities are coming together for a common purpose to help move the county forward.
I was most impressed with those who appeared before the County Commission to seek and receive support from the Lowndes County Commission for the LCEDC and its aims.
They included LaRue Pringle, chairman of the Lowndes County Industrial Development Authority; Thomas Ellis, co-owner of Priester’s Pecans in Fort Deposit; Wiley Lott, director of economic and government affairs for the Southeast Alabama Gas District; Rod Cater, business office manager for Alabama Power in Greenville, Georgiana and Fort Deposit; and Cleveland Poole vice president of economic development and legal affairs for Pioneer Electric Cooperative Inc.
I also agree with County Commissioner Dickson Farrior for recognizing the past and present efforts of Pringle and Ellis to help promote Lowndes County’s economic development.
I personally would like to see Lowndes County seek something like the Boaz Outlet Malls and locate it on U.S. 80 between Selma and Montgomery in the White Hall area.
I would love to see Fort Deposit be able to get sewer to Interstate 65 to spur industry, hotels and businesses in that area of the county.
All of this would generate jobs and tax revenues to help Lowndes County provide better services for the people, better roads and help better fund its schools.
If the people of Lowndes County can all pull together for a common goal to promote the county, the future could be brighter than ever.
Lowndes County has so much potential with its Creek Indian War, Civil War and Civil Rights history to promote tourism and help educate the nation about the roles in history played by Lowndes County and its people.
I wish only good things for Lowndes County so that its children can grow up with the best recreational and educational facilities, go to college and be able to come back home to live and work and lead productive happy lives in Lowndes County,
It can happen if people will not pull in opposite directions, but all work together for the common good.
I applaud the formation of the Lowndes County Economic Development Commission and hope it is only the beginning of wonderful things to come.