FDES celebrates Seuss, Read Across America
Published 12:24 pm Thursday, March 7, 2013

Second grade Fort Deposit Elementary student Curtasia Peterson gets a book signed by children’s book author C.L. Threatt with the help of the cat in the hat, Library Media Specialist Melanie Sharpless.
By Fred Guarino
The Lowndes Signal
Youngsters at Fort Deposit Elementary kicked off Read Across America Week and learned about why not to be a bully Monday when they were paid a visit by children’s book author, poet and puppeteer C. L. Threatt.
Melanie Sharpless, library media specialist at Fort Deposit Elementary, said the children were celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday, which was Saturday, and participating in Read Across America.
She said Dr. Seuss made reading fun for children but also helped them learn to read by the repetitiveness of his vocabulary in the stories.
Threat has written children’s books called “Different but the Same,” a book on diversity, “T. J.’s Big Discovery,” “The No Bully Zone,” where Connie Confidence stands up to a bully and causes him to change, and “A Journey Through the States With Harlo & Nate,” which teaches children to learn the states by rhyming with a Hamster from New Hampshire.
Threatt’s appearance Monday was courtesy of funds provided by Alabama Power, Sharpless said.
“We are really promoting our Accelerated Reader program now and incorporating (this) to motivate children,” she said.
Threatt said he talks to kids about the importance of reading and dangers of bullying, as well as doing their best on upcoming tests.
He has a puppet, C. Smoothe, and cheerleader to get the children excited about reading.
Threatt said he is from Birmingham but makes his home outside Birmingham. He has four children and four grandchildren. He said of inspiring children to read and writing children’s books, “This is my passion.”
He stressed to the children, “It is important that you learn to read and read well.”
Read Across America Week and Dr. Seuss birthday celebration activities were held March 4-8.
Tuesday, the children read to their principal, Wednesday they had guest readers in the classroom, Thursday they selected a Dr. Seuss writing activity, and Friday those who earn a ticket will get to see the movie “The Lorax.”