Hayneville postal employee honored for heroism
Published 10:54 am Thursday, January 31, 2013

From left to right: Alabama Area IV manager Ron Davis, Micheal Cargill, Shirley McKee, Hayneville Postmaster Theresa Myracle, and Alabama District Manager Tim Costello.
By Fred Guarino
The Lowndes Signal
A Hayneville Post Office employee from Greenville is a hero.
Shirley McKee of Greenville was presented the U.S. Postal Service Hero Award for her efforts to see that medical care was given to an accident victim in Lowndes County.
The award was presented last Friday by District Manager Timothy Costello at the Hayneville Post Office.
According to Hayneville Postmaster Theresa L. Myracle, on Aug. 27, McKee, a rural carrier for Hayneville, was out delivering mail on Lowndes County Road 17 “when she noticed a car overturned on the side of the road.”
Myracle said according to McKee, she thought the accident must have happened earlier and the car just had not been removed.
However, “while passing, she heard the faint sound of a (car) horn,” Myracle said. “She got out and yelled down, asking if anyone was there.”
Myracle said what happened next was she heard a gentleman yell back for help and rushed down to find him pinned in the car.
Myracle said McKee next called the office, explained what happened.
“She stayed with him (Michael Cargill of Tyler) assuring him that help was on the way and kept him talking until they arrived,” she said.
Myracle said Cargill, who was on hand for the award presentation to McKee Friday, was airlifted to the hospital.
“I am just so thankful that I was able to help, and that he is still here,” McKee said.
“A lot of times postal service employees, especially rural carriers out there in the rural areas, are the only people that some of our rural customers see every day,” Myracle said.
She called those carriers a “life link” to customers.
“The man was far enough down the hill where no one saw him… I just feel like people are put in situations for a reason,” Myracle said.
“That was a blessing because many folks would not have stopped,” Cargill said. “And if they didn’t know the person they probably wouldn’t have stopped to help them.”