Mosses PD seeks additional help
Published 11:10 pm Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The Lowndes Signal
The Mosses Police Department is looking to increase the numbers on its police force to “better serve the community.”
In a recent announcement from Mosses Mayor Walter Hill, the Mosses Police Department has been accepting applications for new police officers to increase patrols within the Mosses community.
“Prior to the termination of Police Chief Jimmy Harris, we worked collaboratively with the school,” said Hill. “Patrolling at the school was an evident need.”
During former Sheriff Willie Vaughner’s term, patrolling of schools was implemented. However, over the past two or three years there has been a breakdown in communication with the town of Mosses and the Sheriff’s Department in which a number of incidents have happened causing the Sheriff’s deputies to be pulled from the school to answer calls, according to Hill.
Damian Steele will serve as acting police chief until applications for officers and full-time police chiefs are reviewed.
Currently Steele is contractually required to patrol Central High School from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. and Hill said he is working on a process to change officers within the school system.
“Hopefully something will change over the next few months that will allow all departments to work together,” said Hill.
Recently, Hill applied for a grant through the USDA to receive new equipment for the police department, including updated police cards.
“We made the application to the USDA and are subject to be awarded money to purchase two new police cars with equipped technology to patrol communities as best as possible,” said Hill.
The grant amount is $67,461 and the town of Mosses will be required to contribute $16,961 in matched funds, according to Hill.
It is not known when the grant will be awarded to the town, but Hill says the town may see a response within two weeks to a couple of months.
“I don’t have a definite date, but should know something by the end of this week,” said Hill.