Cheerleaders return as champions
Published 8:34 am Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Varsity cheerleaders Mary Owens McCurdy, Co-captain Mary Jean Nall, Shelby Pitts, Sarah Ward, Hailey Wilkinson, Hannah Howard, Captain Jamie Wheeler, Paige Hussey and Katie Stacey pose for a photo after winning varsity camp champions at the Huntingdon College 2010 AISA Cheerleading Camp.

Junior varsity cheerleaders (front) Sara Anna McIntosh, Carmen Till, Caroline Bennett, Abby Pitts, (back) Taylor King, Co-captain Anna Leigh Paige, Laura Jean McCurdy, Eva-Marie Stinson, Captain Mallory McCurdy and Sydney Bell pose for a photo after winning varsity camp champions at the Huntingdon College 2010 AISA Cheerleading Camp.
By Eason Franklin
The Lowndes Signal
Some Lowndes County cheerleaders are being offered the opportunity to participate in parades in the state and out of the nation.
Lowndes Academy’s Varsity and Jr. Varsity cheerleaders participated in the AISA East Cheerleader Camp July 19-22 at Huntingdon College to earn bragging rights as the camp champions.
Lowndes Academy Senior Jamie Wheeler and Freshman Anna Leigh Page made UCA All American and have the opportunities to attend parades in Orlando, Fl and London, England.
Of the nine schools that participated in the camp, the varsity squad received first in cheer, pompom routine and the extreme routine. The JV squad won first in cheer and the extreme routine.
“The girls did a great job and worked hard through all their practices,” said JV sponsor Kristen Harrell. “Their work effort is fantastic.”
The girls attend the camp each year to learn new dance moves, cheers and stunts. This year a primary focus of the camp was leadership, according to Harrell.
Sydney Bell, an eighth grader, won Pen-it-Forward which is awarded to the cheerleader who demonstrates high levels of leadership throughout the week-long camp.
Harrell has sponsored the cheerleaders for the past seven years and said this years “was the best” since she began sponsoring the girls.
“I’m glad I got the opportunity to be around them,” said Harrell. “They are a great group of girls and I hope to continue sponsoring them in the future.”