Daehan evacuates under bomb threat
Published 11:22 am Wednesday, June 9, 2010
By Eason Franklin
The Lowndes Signal
The Daehan plant in Hope Hull was evacuated this morning around 8 a.m. after reports of a bomb threat, according to EMA Director Walter Hill.
A call was placed to 911 dispatchers saying a bomb would go off at Daehan Solutions within 20 minutes, followed by another call three minutes later. Both callers are believed to be the same person.
Workers were evacuated from the plant while authorities waited for K-9 units to arrive from Clanton to aid in the search.
After being advised the K-9s could only work for 20 minutes before having to rest for about one hour, Sheriff Chip Williams entered the facility with three deputies and a couple of plant supervisors.
“The ABI advised me the most accurate way to do a search in a large facility like this is to use personnel and supervisors to look for anything out of the ordinary,” said Williams. “It would take quite a while for the K-9s to do the search.”
Hill said Williams entered the building without his endorsement.
“Without being certain if the bomb was in there, I did not want to jeopardize anyone’s safety,” said Hill.
Hill remained at Daehan in case the situation took a turn for the worse, however no bomb was found after a thorough search by the Sheriff’s department.
Authorities have obtained a number through 911 dispatch and are working to track the source of the call.
No suspects have been named in the case, but Williams said, “if they are able to find a suspect, he will be prosecuted to the fullest extent.”
Chief Sheriff’s Deputy Lenny Lee will be heading the investigation around the bomb threat.