Where is the outcry from young people?
Published 8:36 pm Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Over the past week, members of the Lowndes County Commission, EMA Director Walter Hill along with Representative James Thomas have held a series of meetings to discuss the Pioneer Electric issues with
residents of our county.
After wading through a lot of political hype and heated speeches, one particular person made a comment that hit close to home.
At the last meeting held at the New Salem Church in Braggs, Kenneth Hudson, a long time resident of this county, addressed the commission members and others with a rather stirring comment.
Hudson asked, “Where are all the young people? I know there has to be more young people affected by this issue than we’re seeing.”
The comment posed an intriguing question. Where are all the young people of Lowndes County when these meetings are taking place?
It can be assumed than many are working, like many residents, while others may just not know our public officials are addressing the issue at hand.
It is extremely crucial that more young people throughout the county become involved in the day to day activities that are a part of our lives.
An array of opportunities have arisen this season for our younger residents to meet political candidates, get to know their law enforcement officials and address the issues affecting every person within our county.
It will be disappointing if a small fraction of this age group turnout for each of the opportunistic events that have occurred over the past few weeks.
All age groups, especially our youth, are encouraged to be a part of the process that decides their future.
Numerous issues will be confronted this year and many more in the years to come. It is time to be involved with what is going on…in and around our county.
Attend commission meetings, town council meetings, community events and other assemblies that may directly and indirectly affect our county. If we do nothing, then our parents, grandparents and have struggled for nothing.