Latest Reflections


Ponderings From A Gray-Haired Pastor

By Michael J. Brooks She called to report the death of a lady in our former church, and ...


If The Church Were Christian

By Michael J. Brooks I heard a pastor lately who quoted an article by Quaker minister Philip Gulley, ...


On funerals — Remembering contributions

By Michael J. Brooks The recent memorial service for President Jimmy Carter reminded me of the time in ...


Different Gifts For Doing Certain Things Well

By Michael J. Brooks The Alabama Humanities Alliance honored writer Rick Bragg recently in Birmingham. In his dialogue ...


Forgive And Forget?

By Michael J. Brooks It was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Actually, no. ...

Guest Columnist

Elegy Written In A Kansas Graveyard

By Michael J. Brooks A church friend travels the country transporting automobiles for car dealers and told me, ...


Christmas: Time of God’s Open House

By Michael J. Brooks The prison warden circulated a note to inmates asking for suggestions on the kind ...


Jesus is the Son of God

By Dean Kelly Peter made the confession upon which all of Christianity is built, “You are the Christ, ...



Finding The Perfect Church By Michael J. Brooks It was a church slogan used in many places years ...


Entering the Advent season

By Dunford Cole As we enter the Advent season, we are reminded that this time signifies “arrival.” It ...

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