4-H Livestock Group purchases needed equipment

Published 10:53 am Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pictured (left to right): State Representative David Colston, George Hunter, Denzerrick Rudolph, Doris Rudolph, Carnell McAlpine, James Chambless and Rev. Dale Braxton

Special to the Signal

For many years, the Lowndes County 4-H Livestock Group has been busy teaching and training local youth how to manage and maintain their cattle.

With the guidance from advisors, Carnell McAlpine, George Hunter and Jasper Lambert, local youth are learning many important life skills through their experiences with their animals.

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Responsibility is the most frequently mentioned life skill gained as our young people promote the advancement of beef and the beef cattle industry in Alabama.

However, our youth are also learning to trust, forming positive relationships, and building communication skills.

Our members are exploring all aspects of raising beef cattle – animal selection, care, feeding, record-keeping and marketing. They are also gaining an appreciation of animals and an understanding of the beef cattle industry.

Recently, the group was able to purchase a much needed cattle shoot. This vital piece of equipment is used to teach students how to groom cattle in preparation for showing at the county, district and state livestock shows. The funds for this equipment were provided through a grant from Mid-South RC&D.