‘Help a Sister Out’ deemed successful
Published 11:48 pm Wednesday, August 31, 2011
The 1st Annual “Help A Sister Out” Women’s” Conference was held on Aug. 5 and 6 at the White Ramah Missionary Baptist Church #2 Fort Deposit, Alabama.
The event drew more than 150 people on Friday night to hear dynamic speakers, hear awesome praise and worship songs, and to watch even the smallest of children perform praise dances to God.
The event continued on Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. with the annual prayer breakfast and over 80 participants showed up.
The Saturday morning services were full of speakers and praise and worship as well. There were gift bags for all guests and lunch was served at 12:00, wrapping up the conference.
This was the first conference to be held at the White Ramah Missionary Baptist Church which has been doing tremendous things in the past couple of months under the new leadership of there newly elected Pastor Celeste Crenshaw.
“This was a conference that I had been working on before I came to White Ramah 10 months ago, but one of the members, Sis. LaConyan Powell, came to me and said that she would like to see the church have a women’s conference, so I told her to just take the one I was already working on and let’s run with it, and she did.
“She and I both worked hard on gathering people, food, gifts, and speakers for the program and I for one am truly proud of our success,” Crenshaw added.
Nearly $500 was raised doing the two day services and T-shirts were sold as well. The women ministry blessed the church itself with nearly $300 on Sunday morning with the remaining money that was left after finishing up ministry business.
Friday night’s sermons were: Minister Janice Robinson opening with “Take off the Old and Put on the New,” Minister Dorothy Mallard came behind her with a sermon entitled “Help is on the Way,” and Pastor Celeste Crenshaw spoke on Rahab “Do You Qualify for Spiritual Surgery.”
Saturday Morning speakers were: Evangelist Jackie McQueen spoke on “Recovering from a fall,” Evangelist Kimberly Allen Davis came with “Don’t be taken over by your Circumstances, Situations, or your Issues,” Pastor Virgistine Nickerson came with “Iron Sharpens Iron” and Evangelist Pamela Swinney closed with “Who Stole my Birthrite? and Who took my inheritance?”
Pastor Crenshaw would like to say thank you to all the guests who took the time to come out and support their program, she would like to say thank you to the women ministry and the deacons and all the members of White Ramah Baptist #2 for all their hard work in making this conference a success; and to all the speakers who spoke so elegantly but powerfully.
Crenshaw said that the women’s ministry is on the move at White Ramah Missionary Baptist Church — they have already began thinking of the title for next years conference, “Help A Sister Out” Pt. 2. “Sisters Letting Go and Letting God. 2012.”
“This is a church that is on the move for God, keep it up White Ramah Missionary Baptist Church in Jesus name!” Crenshaw said.